Ongoing follow-up at Gasa Nord Grønt’s 55 nurseries
Gasa Nord Grønt conducts annual follow-ups at the 55 nurseries that supply fruit and vegetables to Gasa. In connection with the annual supplier checks, Gasa Nord Grønt helps their growers with how they can work with human rights in a very practical way.
Following up and working with human rights is a natural part of the business processes at Gasa Nord Grønt. They use annual visits and supplier checks to register progress at their 55 Danish nurseries, including their own checklist based on GLOBAL G.A.P and GRASP with requirements based on both international standards and relevant ILO conventions.
GLOBAL G.A.P. and GRASP focus specifically on labor rights, not human rights, but it can be a good starting point to get started.
Gasa Nord Grønt’s assessments are based on regular meetings with an employee representative and 10 points in the GRASP system, such as documenting wages and hours for seasonal workers. Once a comprehensive overview of the nurseries is available, it is assessed where there is the greatest risk of negative impacts – and where there is the greatest potential for improvement. Gasa Nord Grønt then helps to address the most pressing challenges and implement the improvements. Danish nurseries employ approximately 1,800 seasonal workers per year over the course of three months.
Conditions for seasonal workers are a known potential risk in the horticultural industry. Gasa Nord Grønt’s work has led to several gardeners installing special mailboxes where employees – including foreign seasonal workers – can complain, express concerns or provide input. The initiative has increased focus on nipping problems in the bud, and the experience has led to nurseries being more aware of the cultural differences between seasonal workers. This has led to better housing and contract conditions, among other things.
Fordele for mennesker
- Better employee conditions: Seasonal workers have better housing and employment conditions.
- Whistleblower scheme: Employees have been given the opportunity to speak up anonymously.
- Fair payment: All Polish employees were paid a fair wage for all their hours.
Gasa Nord Green on the business benefits of working with human rights
“Deep knowledge of the business value chain and proper conditions are essential when facing a crisis like COVID-19. We haven’t had any outbreaks among our seasonal workers or problems getting them to Denmark.”
Svend Jensen, Quality Manager, Gasa Nord Grønt